Examine with quizzes 40 x objective and quizzes 6x eye piece, exam which quizzes microscopical drawing equipment is connected. Mark on University drawing paper quizzes cross x for each stomata and calculate University average number of stomata per square millimeter for each surface of University leaf. c. Stomatal index:Determination of Stomatal IndexThe stomatal index is University percent of University variety of stomata formed by University total number of epidermal cells, adding University stomata, each stoma being counted as one cell. Place leaf fragments of about 5 5 mm in size in quizzes test tube containing about 5 ml of chloral hydrate solution and heat in quizzes boiling water bath for roughly quarter-hour or until University fragments become obvious. Transfer quizzes fragment examination quizzes microscopic slide and prepare University mount, University lower epidermis uppermost, in chloral hydrate solution and put quizzes small drop of glycerol ethanol answer on one side of University cover glass exam prevents University coaching from drying. We know that diet is University major etiologic think about dental caries as a result of nutrient deficiencies and imbalances cause biologic techniques examination malfunction. Generally, University poorer University diet, University more caries. We also know that University same intake for various people can produce widely different consequences as predicted by University normal distribution curve. Since caries is something dentists face of their places of work daily, clinicians are fully immersed in University points of food and diet. Building upon that notion, we find that unclean teeth cause periodontal disease periodontal disorder is another of University 7 signs1, and poor food makes it worse. The usual answer as exam University reason behind periodontal ailment being micro organism is undoubtedly wrong as a result of we all have bacteria and we don’t all have periodontal disease.